Monday, May 21, 2012

The soon-to-be-hubby and I finally attended the Whittier Car Show this past Friday at Ruby's Diner located on 10109 Whittwood Drive. The smell of a classic car never gets old for me and I love seeing the look on his face when we come across an old souped-up Charger or a 54' Chevy 5 window (what ever that means) .  Caveat: I know nothing about cars--zilch; Food, wine, houses, business, family--yes, cars--no, but learning.  Although a Charger is in our future, Chris has two projects at home, a 63' Cadillac and an old VW.  Actually he has a motley of projects like: Our Wedding, Honeymoon, Fixer Upper House, Brew Master, Dog Whisperer, Drummer Extraordinaire and so much more. Ha!

Well back to the story, we walked around, saw some friendly faces, listened to some good ol' tunes and had a lovely dinner at Ruby's. Heading home I saw the Carnival at St. Bruno's and was aching to ride the hammer and have some yummy carnival food.  Chris was not feeling well so we went home.

Aside from the Whittier Car Show that takes place at Ruby's Diner every Friday, May 4th-October 26th 5pm-8pm, we are looking forward to all the amazing events coming up in Whittier, La Mirada and La Habra or as I call it , A Tale of Three Cities. This is going to be a fun summer!